Past Events

Through the Heart Event September 2023

Women Like Us members gathered for an extraordinary event that rekindled their sense of creativity and playfulness led by talented art therapist Rouane.

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Women Like Us members gathered for an extraordinary event that rekindled their sense of creativity and playfulness. The event featured a captivating collage session led by the talented art therapist Rouane. What transpired was not just an art project, but a journey into self-expression and connection, where attendees rekindled the feeling of being a child once more.

Rouane, an experienced art therapist, guided the participants through a unique collage session that promised to unleash their creativity. Each woman was given a stack of magazines, scissors, and glue, and the freedom to choose any images that resonated with them. What followed was an enchanting journey through the pages of glossy magazines, as they selected images that held a special meaning.

It was fascinating to watch the concentration and joy on the faces of these women. The act of cutting and pasting, often seen as a simple childhood activity, became a powerful tool for self-expression.

After the collage session, the women came together to share their creations and the stories behind their choices. This was where the magic happened. Each participant explained why they selected specific images and how they related to their own lives. The room buzzed with laughter, empathy, and a profound sense of connection.

The women found themselves transported back to their childhoods, when creativity flowed freely and without inhibition. The collage activity allowed them to tap into their inner child, a source of unbridled imagination, and to express their thoughts and emotions through the visual medium.
It was incredible to witness how each woman's collage was a unique reflection of her experiences, aspirations, and emotions. From images of beautiful landscapes to motivational quotes, the collages spoke volumes about the individual journey of each participant.

In conclusion, the 'Women Like Us' event in Geneva, featuring an art therapy collage session by Rouane, was a resounding success. It demonstrated the power of art to rekindle creativity and self-expression and bring women together in a meaningful and fun way. The session not only allowed attendees to reconnect with their inner child but also facilitated genuine connections among the women. It was a reminder that no matter our age, we all have an artist within us waiting to be awakened and celebrated.

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